Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stuff for Finance Students

Other People's Money :
Possibly the best finance movie ever made about a typical 1980 acquisition. Funny and accurate. This is a classic that I have shown several times. There are some scenes that probably should be fast forwarded through but highly entertaining.

Barbarians at the Gate:
It is an very entertaining movie that can be used to show the role of Investment Bankers in a takeover as well as used as a way to discuss the takeover process, why cautions are good for shareholders, responsibilities of the Board of Directors, and more.

Wall Street is an obvious choice:
There are sections of the movie that make fantastic sound bites for class. Obviously the "greed is good" speech makes for interesting class discussions as does the insider trading, shareholder-stakeholder discussion, and ethics.

Trading Places:
While a bit older (1983) and with some swearing, this is a funny movie that shows the future commodity exchange.

The Forbes Series on Great Investors:
Probably best for an introductory Investments class. Well done series of interviews.

The below are documentaries from A&E or the History Channel;

Modern Marvels:
US Mints and Money Machines. An interesting documentary perfect for a Money and Banking class.

Counterfeiting: It discusses counterfeiting and how the US fights it. Also gives a look at the future of money.

Useful Sites: all management students multiple winner! The cases are great!!! great Risk site!! News, articles, and tutorials. is a simply fantastic site has a great education center!
SmartMoney is a very good site. One of my favorites! is more towards economics but very good!
TeachmeFinance is a great site for introductory Finance
SSRN (FEN)-Amazing research oriented site
Tanned Feet - Great site for those starting a new business or running a small business! -Discounted cash flow analysis by PSU professors.


Investopedia --VERY cool site! Includes Buzz Words
AMEX's glossary
Yahoo's finance glossary